On our page, you can download the free paper craft that can make the airport diorama . You can also enjoy such and decorate together airplane models and plastic model .



How to use our page and papercrafts

airport diorama designs free

First, we'll explain how to download the paper craft data . This image is the top page.


Click the paper craft that you want to downdoad.


Download will begin when you click the download button.


How to printout

airport diorama designs free

If you want to make 1/200 size object, you should print out the papercraft at A4 size, and you want to make it 1/400 or 1/500 size, you have to print out it at the postcard size.  


Tips when you produce a paper craft

If it is difficult to make by hand, you have to assemble it by a pen and a desk as shown in the image above .


airport diorama free

Let's make a lot of papercraft in order to make a bustling and realistic airport!

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